Here we go again.
We are emerging from an environment in which most businesses were managing through uncharted waters, and heading straight into a new phase that features almost as much uncertainty.
Indeed, the recovery to pre-pandemic norms is in full swing – but it remains unclear what that looks like through the lens of business and marketing strategy.
A booming Q1 is pushing the U.S. towards a GDP in line with expectations had there been no pandemic. It’s far from an even keeled economic landscape, though. “That’s what makes the economy of 2021 so promising but also worrying,” noted the New York Times in a recent look at the current landscape. The boom is here. We just don’t know yet how bumpy the ride will be in trying to return to something that feels like full-fledged prosperity.”
For those that embrace marketing as a living, breathing part of the business, the time is right to step back and assess their trajectory.
Marketing during a once-in-a-lifetime global health crisis is different than marketing in a world waking up from such an event. And now businesses are empowered with the benefit of experience: everyone has learned more about balancing short-term agility with long-term vision.
We have seen three elements rise to the foreground of planning and execution:
- A quick-shift mindset
- A message that is on point, authentic, and considers sustainability and social impact
- Tactics that maximize the new digital normal
We invite you to read more in Flexible, Digital, Sustainable: Marketing Strategies for the Next Phase.
We hope it’s an informative look at where we are and where we’re headed. We also welcome your questions, and we encourage you to schedule a few minutes to talk through your marketing strategy.
Contact us on our website, email us at or schedule a 30-minute call.