ESG Matters: COVID-19 Proving Out Value of Sustainable Investing

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In an unprecedented, chaotic, and uncertain environment, sustainable investing is standing out as a reliable strategy – and is getting the attention it deserves. While there has been momentum for awhile, there are now three pretty exciting elements playing out at the same time:

  1. Sustainable investing products are outperforming traditional vehicles by a wide margin during the current market sell-off.
  2. Capital is flowing out of traditional mutual funds – but into sustainable investments.
  3. A spotlight is shining on corporate behavior during the response to COVID-19, bringing social and governance factors to the foreground.

Evan Zall of Longview Strategies and Bud Sturmak of Perigon Wealth Management dig into this for a few minutes. What does it all mean, and what’s next?

For more of our thoughts on sustainable investing, check out our Sustainability page or contact us anytime.